Privileged User Accounts Management Procedure
The Privileged User Accounts Management Procedure has been designed to describe the process of creating, modifying or deleting privileged user accounts from the Company’s business systems.
The Privileged User Accounts Management Procedure has been designed to describe the process of creating, modifying or deleting privileged user accounts from the Company’s business systems.
The objective of the Physical Security Procedure is to define the company’s physical security policy and to establish the framework of acknowledgement and application.
The purpose of the Physical and Environmental Security Policy is to prevent unauthorized physical access to Company facilities, information assets and information systems.
Physical Access Control Procedure represents a complex system of measures and controls (physical and administrative) designed to protect the Company’s employees, business and property against threats of any kind.
The objective of the Password Security Policy is to establish the minimum rules and requirements that must be enforced in order to ensure that strong passwords are created and protected by all Company’s users and systems.