Email Usage Policy

Email Usage Policy

The Email Usage Policy was developed by Company in order to allow the secure and effective use of the electronic mail (e-mail) service inside and outside Company. This policy set the standard for appropriate behavior of a Company employee when using the e-mail service and this applies to all employees.

Dual Control – Segregation of Duty Policy

Dual Control – Segregation of Duty Policy

The techniques of dual control and segregation of duties have to be implemented to enhance the control over activities wherever the risk and impact of an IT Security incident would likely result in financial or other material damage to the organization.

Desktop Usage Policy

Desktop Usage Policy

The Desktop Usage Policy is intended to maintain the security of Company information processing on desktop computers equipment against the risks associated with the exposure or loss of sensitive, unique or personal information.

Clean Desk Procedure

Clean Desk Procedure

The Clean Desk Procedure was developed by the Company in order to protect classified information, company’s goods and employees’ personal goods, as well as to reduce the risk of fire, incidental floods or any other damaging events.